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As somebody who has created hundreds of websites, I know the challenges and rewards that building a great website can come with.
The most commented articles about Create A Website.
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These days, you don’t need to be a professional web developer to create a great website.
In fact, ignore any of these myths about creating a website right now:
It’s important not to let these myths put you off or make you think you’re not capable of creating your own website because you almost certainly are.
However, there are also a few hard truths you should know.
So, now that is covered, how do you actually create a website?
These are the five basic steps for creating a website with WordPress.
I’ve chosen WordPress since they’re the most popular CMS in the world. It’s also what I would personally recommend, due to the simplicity and affordability to create and the multitude of plugins available.
Studies show that it takes only 0.05 seconds (that’s 50 milliseconds) for your website to make a good impression. Don’t draw users in within that minute time frame and you risk them clicking straight back out again.
Having a poor bounce-back rate will negatively impact your SEO and make search engines think users can’t find what they’re looking for on your site.
This is why it’s so crucial to have a great website that attracts users and, most importantly, keeps their attention long enough to offer value.
There are plenty of different reasons to create a website in 2021. Whether your website shows off what you’re selling, becomes what you sell, or something else entirely – a good website can make or break your success.
But creating your website is only half the battle. Now you need to make all that work worthwhile by monetizing it. These are some of the different ways you can do that.
Nasdaq predicts that 95% of retail sales will be made through eCommerce stores by 2040.
While sellers are experimenting with other ways to advertise their goods online, such as through social media, websites are still an essential part of any online shop.
Service-based businesses rely on their websites for potential customers to find their service, book appointments, check out their work, and pay for their services.
Make sure you’re utilizing local SEO and location-specific review sites and directories to get noticed in your area.
Creating a blog can be anything from a fun hobby to a lucrative livelihood. The most successful blogs involve a lot of work behind the scenes, but the rewards can definitely pay off.
These are some of the best ways to make money from your blog.
This is where you either build or buy websites, amp up the value they offer within their given niche, increase traffic and sell them for a profit. Then repeat.
Websites are usually sold for around 30x times their monthly profit. So if your website makes $500 of profit a month you would be looking at offers around $15,000.
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